Суровые Тессинские Альпы и чарующая долина Муджио в их южной оконечности делают Тичино настолько контрастным регионом, что его сложно с чем-то сравнить.
Канада: легалайз, эмиграция, красоты. Большой выпуск.
Опубликовано: 9 июл. 2019 г.✅Подписаться на поиск дешевых билетов от Aviasales: https://aviasales.onelink.me/41597691...
✅Прокачай свой разговорный английский с носителями языка в Cambly English!
Пройди бесплатное занятие сегодня: https://www.cambly.com/invite/kasatik
По промокоду kasatik первые 15 минут бесплатные.
Опубликовано: 22 сент. 2017 г.Here's Giuseppe Ottaviani's very first live performance at the ASOT studio in Amsterdam on Thursday 21/09/2017.
GO Official Merchandise: https://www.giuseppeottaviani.com/#merch
1. Giuseppe Ottaviani — Live ID [GO MUSIC]
2. Giuseppe Ottaviani — Live ID [GO MUSIC]
3. Giuseppe Ottaviani — Live ID [GO MUSIC]
4. Giuseppe Ottaviani — Lumina [GO MUSIC]
Прямой эфир: 27 мар. 2020 г.A live set by Liquid Soul for Unite — Let the music Unite us!
Since the beginning of time, great breakthroughs in human history have been achieved through the concept of unity. Through the power of unity we started revolutions, survived wars and created everything that ever moved humanity. Homo Sapiens are social beings.
In these times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the psychedelic movement, in all its diversity, will contribute to this message of togetherness.
We want to give back once again. This is how Unite has come to life. It stems from the intention of spreading the love to the movement and to all who breathe life into it. The power of music and oneness cannot stop. Let the Music Unite Us.