Кейптаун. Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка. RUS

Кейптаун. Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка. RUS

Опубликовано: 24 дек. 2017 г.Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка на этот раз приехали во второй по величине город ЮАР — Кейптаун. Какая же Африка встретит Антона Птушкина и Настю Ивлееву? Ведь одна часть города — это роскошные особняки, подстриженные под линеечку газоны, а вторая — трущобы, нищета и голод. Но давайте по порядку! Во время этого визита в Кейптаун мы все-таки смогли сделать то, что у нас не получилось в прошлый раз: с ветерком прокатиться на легендарном авто «Шелби Кобра» и подняться на основную достопримечательность — Столовую гору. Еще мы узнали, как выглядят китовые ясли, пощекотали себе нервы на аттракционе с нильскими крокодилами, попробовали жареные кишки — самое популярное в местных трущобах блюдо, просто насмотрелись и надышались красотой здешней природы!
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Орел и решка. 12 сезон. Кругосветка https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Орел и решка. 13 сезон. Рай и Ад
Орел и решка. 14 сезон. Перезагрузка https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Орел и решка. 15 сезон. Рай и Ад-2 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Орел и решка за кадром. Смешные и неудачные дубли https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Вокруг М с Лесей Никитюк https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Орел и Решка. Шопинг в HD https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

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Орел и Решка в социальных сетях:

Экватор: линия жизни - 3 серия

Экватор: линия жизни — 3 серия

Опубликовано: 7 авг. 2019 г.Тепло экваториальных вод заставляет их просто кишеть жизнью. Но в нашу эпоху существует и излишек тепла. В этой серии мы изучаем влияние глобального потепления по всему миру.

На морской глубине: Большой барьерный риф / 1 серия

На морской глубине: Большой барьерный риф / 1 серия

Опубликовано: 9 дек. 2019 г.Натуралист, защитник природы и искатель приключений Иоло Уильямс исследует Большой Австралийский барьерный риф, один из самых богатых морских пространств в мире, чтобы понять — несмотря на угрозы со стороны человека — выживут ли риф и несметное количество жизней, которые он поддерживает?

Экватор: линия жизни - 2 серия

Экватор: линия жизни — 2 серия

Опубликовано: 30 июл. 2019 г.Магия экватора — это постоянный солнечный свет, причина изобилия жизни. Мы посмотрим на конфликты между животными, фермерами и защитниками природы, оказавшимися между двух огней.

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Суперсооружения. Сталь.

Опубликовано: 5 нояб. 2011 г.Сталь, один из самых прочных материалов на Земле, повлияла на ход истории и развитие цивилизаций. Узнайте об областях применения стали: от строительства небоскребов до изготовления столовых приборов.

10 Hours - DAWN CHORUS - Birds in the Morning - Ambiance for restaurants, spas, health farms...

10 Hours — DAWN CHORUS — Birds in the Morning — Ambiance for restaurants, spas, health farms…

Опубликовано: 19 апр. 2015 г.Support my work! Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sleepsounds
10 hours of early morning bird dawn chorus. Recorded in the English countryside. Ideal for home, office, restaurants, cruise ships, breakfast bars and the like. For relaxation, inspiration, ambiance, background, meditation, concentration etc.

All these effects were recording with high quality asmr binaural microphones and compiled into the soundscape you hear. Ideal for background ambiance for home, the office, spas, for meditation, for relaxation and for sleeping.

Subscribe here for new relaxation and sleep tracks every day!!! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7lKP...

Like our Facebook page!

All recorded with high quality microphones. For a truly breathtaking experience, listen with good quality headphones.


Similar 10 Hour Natural Relaxation Videos:
Tropical Dawn Chorus 10 hrs: http://youtu.be/-sfH30clN6Q
Tropical Birds 10 hrs: http://youtu.be/VX1R5Kz86ZI
Beach Boat Ride 10 hrs: http://youtu.be/Cuim2U7Pc08
Summer Boat Trip 10 hrs: http://youtu.be/rxXfWEkVGws
Relaxing Boat Trip 10 hrs: http://youtu.be/WnfXX3YkuZs
Tropical Ocean / Beach / Island 10 hours: http://youtu.be/_MCBw5l2VIY
Sunset Beach 10 hours: http://youtu.be/Fn9JCeHVvK0
Peaceful Beach Therapy 10 hours: http://youtu.be/rP6l5FWjBTs
Family Beach with People 10 hours: http://youtu.be/NSGArtmYFfo
Babbling Brook 10 hr: http://youtu.be/hMbniQkxmHo
Ocean Waves Paradise 10 hrs: http://youtu.be/_dUU8UXedLg
Beach Paradise Sounds 10 hrs: http://youtu.be/UNj4Zz7ChtM


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All my content is ad free! However, please do support my work by 'buying me a coffee'! All donations help me purchase better equipment to make better recordings and keep things free! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sleepsounds

Nightingale Vs Blackbird Birds Call Song/Sound - Natural sound of singing birds -1/30 Hour

Nightingale Vs Blackbird Birds Call Song/Sound — Natural sound of singing birds -1/30 Hour

Опубликовано: 15 февр. 2020 г.Nightingale VS Blackbird Birds Call Song/Sound — Natural sound of singing birds -1/30 Hour.
Nightingale sings together with Blackbird in one tree! and cuckoo in the background too.
We found it deep in the forest, what a symphony sound! Enjoy lissening.
#Nightingale #Blackbird #BirdSounds #BirdSongs

자연의 소리 뻐꾸기와 아름다운 새소리 sound nature

자연의 소리 뻐꾸기와 아름다운 새소리 sound nature

Опубликовано: 3 мая 2019 г.마음이 편해지는 자연의 소리.
뻐꾸기와 아름다운 목소리 새소리가 정겹게 지쩌기는 소리를 잠을 자거나 명상과 운동을 할 때 들어 보세요. 마음이 편해질 것입니다.

8 Hour Nature Sound Relaxation-Soothing Forest Birds Singing-Relaxing Sleep Sounds-Without Music

8 Hour Nature Sound Relaxation-Soothing Forest Birds Singing-Relaxing Sleep Sounds-Without Music

Опубликовано: 1 сент. 2013 г.Thank you for supporting the original Nature Sounds Channel of real nature, 8 hour single scene videos. Please subscribe to this channel and share it with your friends.
If you like my soundscapes and would like to have them as downloads so you can listen anytime anywhere, then look no further, I have created a collection of the 12 most popular soundscapes for you in one great value bundle to purchase and download https://gum.co/mostpopularsoundscapec... Relaxing nature sounds from the forest, river, lake, ocean & waterfall, some with and some without birdsong. These are great for helping induce a relaxed sleep, as a calming study aid, as an aid to a relaxed natural meditation or a deeply connected mindfulness relaxation.

A wide selection of single mp3’s is also available at https://gumroad.com/relaxingnaturesounds

As something a little special, I have high quality posters of a number of my scenes available as 36” x 24” Posters. https://teespring.com/stores/johnnie-...

Your support is very much appreciated whether it be by subscribing, liking my videos, sharing my channel and videos or by supporting me financially through purchasing any of the above products. I sincerely value your support.

Thank you.
Take good care and stay safe.
Johnnie Lawson

A great way to share and promote positivity across youtube and the world is to create 'Public playlists' on your channel, even if you don't upload any videos yourself you can still make a positive impact on youtube. Create playlists on your channel to help spread and promote positive videos. Collect all those wonderful positive helpful videos you would like others to see into various playlists. This would also help promote your favourite positive channels. Let us be the change we want to see in the world.

Nature sounds with the soothing sound of a waterfall and forest birds singing are relaxing to our minds and help us to sleep, we are able to relax with these peaceful sounds which have accompanied us since the dawn of time, we are familiar with natures rhythms, they are part of our own rhythms, we feel safe and comfortable with the sounds of nature. We can find nature sounds to be therapeutic and can heal many disorders and illnesses simply by listening to the healing sounds of nature. Nature Sounds are perfect for improving and accompanying a relaxation, meditation or mindfulness program.

The calming sounds of nature are a natural tonic for mind and body. Relaxation and meditation are very important to ones wellbeing. Take time with these relaxing nature sounds and allow yourself to relax and de-stress.

Take a few moments out of your busy day for relaxation and or meditation, sit or lie in a relaxing position and let these calming Nature sounds and images melt away your stress and tension. It is a good idea to take some time away from your normal hectic schedule and relax. Let the soothing nature sounds of this forest scene, relax and calm you.

As you listen to these soothing sounds breath in a relaxed manner, feel positive energy travel throughout your mind and body. This meditation will rejuvenate you and help you to replenish your energy to face the rest of your day.

Study after study has proven that the healing sounds of nature help people to find a peace within that assists healing of many conditions and illnesses. The soothing sounds of nature have helped literally hundreds of thousands of people across the world with finding an inner calmness to help them with study, getting to sleep, relaxing, meditating and fighting off illness, alleviating depression and stress in their lives.

Insomnia can be helped with Relaxation techniques and a practice of meditation aided by the calming sounds of nature. Take time to relax with these soothing images and nature sounds. This peaceful natural soundscape has been created specifically to help you in your life, take advantage of it's healing energy and relax with it daily, play it during the day as you work, study or relax, play it at night to help you get a better sleep. Share with friends, they will thank you for it.

You can get your own copy of your favourite 8 hour or 1 hour nature sounds mp3's at https://gumroad.com/relaxingnaturesounds

Video playlists you may find interesting:-

Relaxation, 8 Hours of Nature Sounds

Natural Sleep Aid Sounds

Natural Recordings of Birds Singing

Recordings of Natural Water Sounds

Pet Therapy Sounds

Sounds of the Sea

#naturesounds #relaxingsounds #forestsounds